be a part of FOCA
Here you’ll find all of the necessary forms FOCA has to offer
Cat Adoption Form
Make your family bigger with a feline (or a couple felines) from FOCA. PS: Kittens are especially good in pairs. Simply fill out the information and we’ll be in touch. We recommend getting approved prior to your visit. You are welcome to fill out the same form at the shelter too but if you do your approval prior to arriving you can take home a feline that day rather than having to wait. So do the rescue, and yourself, a favor by getting preapproved!
Volunteer Form
If you’d like a preview of what it means to be a shelter volunteer who does cat cuddling/ cleaning make sure you check out our TRAINING VIDEOS so you’ll be ready to dive in when you arrive! And if you’ve still got questions, that’s fine. This will get you started though. As for our Resale Shop we’re seeking people who can make a weekly commitment since it’s a very specific volunteer assignment. It’s great for those in retail who want to give 5 hours a week to a great cause.
Foster For F.O.C.A.
Fostering. It’s joyous. It’s heartbreaking. But it’s never boring. It runs the spectrum of emotions but the strongest is satisfaction knowing you did all you could to make the world a better place – for the felines, for the shelter, for your community and for yourself. If you have a spare room where felines would be segregated until the shelter has them returned (usually 2 months or less for kittens) fill out the firm below. You can learn more by looking at our FOSTER AGREEMENT and FOSTER GUILD.
Intake Form
Prior to surrendering, see if you can find any helpful information at our CATS 101 page, especially if it’s a medical or psychological reason. Surrendering to a shelter should be your last resort and not your first call. Ask friends to ask friends to lend a hand and check out our FAQ #2 “I CAN’T KEEP MY CAT? WHAT CAN I DO?” for more important info.